NEVER FORGET IT .HAPPY SLAVES ARE FUCKING IDIOTS'.I like to write, to recap, and recall the events that left an impression, call me crazy, weird, or strange, it does not matter to me, have to push the shit out, marching forward to a better day .Be weird. DRESSED. 'HAVE FUN!''HAIL MARRY ".Full Of Joy. Darling You're Not Alice And This Is Not Wonderland. As God forgives us, practice forgiveness of Others and Self.
Dazes in the dark, in the middle of the woods, saints and sinners.People beware:Palm Springs, Family Affairs, Heads To Count, Faces In Herds.STUDY HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND LEARN. AIN'T YOUR MAMA", NOT YOUR TOY, NOT YOUR DREAM BABE, LOVERS ...LOVERS, FRIENDS, FAMILY MEMBERS:
Tom Petty, American Girl.Let's change your name to Black & Blue Marvel." ~Superman. LOTS OF LOVE, LOTS OF LUCK, LOTS OF TESTS OVER TIME.REMEMBER WHEN PEOPLE USED TO WRITE?Love, Lights, Lessons, Leaders On Top, Angels On Clouds, Glory Dazes To Come.“
FOR MY OWN PART, I WOULD RATHER EXCEL IN KNOWLEDGE OF THE HIGHEST SECRETS OF PHILOSOPHY THAN IN ARMS....'We can't wait to listen to some of this music you submitted Thank God for rain.Every time my phone vibrates, I hope it's NOT you. 'WHO THE FUCK IS ALICE'.Not Dead Yet, Life, A Work In Progress.A Raising Star Or Two.
We are told...
Ten Most Important things. Write about the wrongs, right about the causes, and the right side of the grave, are the stories being told now, and how twisted, tainted, and wicked the way or the train of thoughts of being a super star on some level, with or with out the work, just because of the color of the skins, or the paint on a house, the effects change with the coming of night.Friends, Family, Foes, Faces In The Crowds. Roles To Play, Decades. Guardians of the Galaxy:Head Counts, Winners, Sinners, Saints, Dances On Clouds.The one and only .
Lessons Daily, Mountains Top. Lions to roar, faces in the crowds, good times, snakes, spiders and worms.I was befuddled. I actually asked the boy to repeat himself.
Bridges Of Love .Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.What is, is not, Purple Strongest hearts.Time to stop, time to stand tall, fish and frogs, plenty in the deep blue seas.… Time to stop, time to stand tall, fish and frogs, plenty in the deep blue seas. Songs to singers, hopes to sunny dazes, glory dazes to come,lots of love,… -
'Walk Away Walk away from people who put you down. Walk away from fights that will never be resolved. Walk away away from trying to please people who will never see your worth. The more you walk away from things that poison your soul, the healthier you will be.
Hey guys I'm new to this group. Love that this is here for sales reps to learn and talk shop. DEEDS AND ACTIONS TELL A STORY. GOODNESS AND MERCY ANGELS AROUND, HANDS OUT TO HELP, HANDS OUT TO LEAD THE WAY. HEAVEN AND HELL HERE ON EARTH.
The Sands Of Time, Pages To Write, Veterans To Date.Still hoping .UNDRESSED: So true .I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.
Street [
Dances.La]La Land, History to note, Starr Bright, Cali chick, couch surfing, no house, no home in that year.CLASSY LADIES! Miranda Dawn:I ain’t in the ‘helpin” business no more.
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